mpumalanga 400 club

The group of people listed below have all seen at least 400 species within the boundaries of the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. If your name does not appear on the list, but you fall into this category and would like to be on the list, please email us your details and we will add you to the list. If your total has changed since publication of this list, please also send us your revised total to amend the list.

As at 23 February 2022, there are 97 people on the list.

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List of birders reporting a Mpumalanga list of 400 or more species:

Those names in red have confirmed that their totals are calculated as per the latest Southern African checklist available to download on this website.
People who have an asterisk (*) next to their names have since passed on, but their names are retained here in memory of their passion for birding.
Name Total Last updated
Duncan McKenzie 579 23 February 2022
Jean-Pierre le Roux 568 23 February 2022
Robert Wienand 562 23 February 2022
Pieter Vrey 551 23 February 2022
John Davies 550  
Martin Benadie 547 23 February 2022
Jason Boyce 545 23 February 2022
Marc Cronje 543 23 February 2022
Alisha Kirk 542 07 May 2017
Mark Kirk 542 07 May 2017
* Joe Grosel 541 16 December 2019
Warren McLelland 536 06 November 2014
Peter Lawson 534  
Anton Odendal 527  
Dylan Vasapolli 527 23 February 2022
Faber van der Westhuizen 520 16 December 2019
Greg Lock 517 07 May 2017
Rob Geddes 515 23 February 2022
Martie de Wijn 512 23 February 2022
George Skinner 510 23 February 2022
Ehren Eksteen 508  
Andre Botha 507  
Bruce Lawson 504 31 October 2015
Rene Rossouw 504 23 February 2022
Brad Arthur 503 23 February 2022
Michael Johnson 501 23 February 2022
Niall Perrins 500 07 May 2017
Tobie Pretorius 500 23 February 2022
Stewart Matheson 497 23 February 2022
Etienne Marais 496  
Stephen James 496  
Doug Wagner 494  
Martin Hobbs 493 16 May 2015
Andrew Stainthorpe 490 05 March 2016
Johan van Rensburg 489 23 February 2022
Mary de Wijn 487 23 February 2022
Dawie Kleynhans 486 23 February 2022
Janelle Verster 486 23 February 2022
Pieter Verster 486 23 February 2022
Sarieta Kleynhans 486 23 February 2022
Joël Roerig
477 16 December 2019
Ken Hattingh 476  
Stephan Terblanche 474 23 February 2022
Trevor Hardaker 472 23 February 2022
Roelof van der Breggen 470 23 February 2022
Leon Spies 469 23 February 2022
Maans Booysen 469 23 February 2022
Peter Greaves 466 18 March 2018
Allon Traub 465  
Grant Egen 465 23 February 2022
Melissa Whitecross 463 23 February 2022
Philip Coetzee 461 07 May 2017
Jan Pienaar 460 28 February 2016
Keith Valentine 458 26 July 2015
Thomas Hohls 457 23 February 2022
Juan van den Heever 455 23 February 2022
Nicola Vrey 455 23 February 2022
Victor Wilkens 452 16 December 2019
Dorothy Hall 450  
Ernst Retief 445 16 December 2019
* Jan de Vries 445  
Trevor Thompson 444 07 May 2017
Bruce Ward-Smith 443 18 March 2018
Bernard Heritage 442 07 May 2017
Neil Gray 441  
Dave Steyn 440  
John-Henry Daneel 438 23 February 2022
Rene Rousouw 438 16 December 2019
Markus Lilje 437  
Gavin Lautenbach 430  
Margaret Hardaker 430 23 February 2022
Tertius Gous 430 25 October 2014
Thea Jenkins 427 23 February 2022
Ruan Minnaar 426 23 February 2022
Marguerite McGrath 424 23 February 2022
Roy McGrath 424 23 February 2022
Dawie de Swardt 419 07 May 2017
Andrew McDonald 418  
Johann du Preez 418  
Matthew Arthur 417 23 February 2022
Carla Davis 415 23 February 2022
Juan Kraukamp 415  
Klaus Schmid 415 23 February 2022
Allan Ridley 414  
Colin Valentine 414  
Glen Valentine 414  
Susan Valentine 414  
Matthew Axelrod 410 23 February 2022
Peter Wilgenbus 405  
Alan Bedford-Shaw 404 23 February 2022
Sue Oertli 404 18 March 2018
Ernest Davis 403 23 February 2022
Hans Linde 403 23 February 2022
Paul Tyler 403  
Adrian Haagner 401  
Dirk Human 400  
Gina Wilgenbus 400  


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